The reason why there are so many unhappy people is because most people try to find happiness outside themselves and they never look within.
Happiness ...
One of the biggest sources of discontent is comparing yourself to other people, or your life to what you see others doing. Or what ...
“You say, 'If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.' You make a mistake. If you are not content with what ...
What is contentment? For me, it’s really about being happy with who you are. Which I wasn’t for many years, and I think most ...
In large part, you're in control of your life. And taking control of your life doesn't really depend on whether or not you have ...
Being a woman probably is one of the best things in the world. Many expert psychologists would tell you that every human being has ...
Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that ...
Many great things have started as an simple, creative idea. Consider donating some of your best ideas to help others. The more creative you ...
Be Kind to yourself and Others. It comes to life when we give of ourselves and our time to be of help to others, without ...